Last Updated: 10/15/23

 Homeless Resources for Washington DC

Organizations by Services Offered
Emergency Shelters for Single/Individual Adult Men
Emergency Shelters for Single/Individual Adult Women
Emergency Shelters for Families, Youth, and LGBTQ+ People, Etc.
  Employment and Training Services
  Mental Health Services
  Services for People Who Use Drugs
  Homelessness Prevention Services
  Legal Assistance
  Street Outreach/Drop-In Centers
Bathrooms, Showers, & Laundry
Vital Documents, Records, & Benefits Assistance
Food Services
  Services for Youth, Young People, and Families with Children

All Nonprofits/Governmental Organizations
  Coalition for the Homeless
  Services Offered: Housing, Emergency Shelters, Employment and Training Services
  Community of Hope
  Services Offered: Housing, Healthcare, Homelessness Prevention
  Greater Washington Urban League
  Services Offered: Homelessness Prevention, Educational Assistance
  House of Ruth
  Services Offered: Housing, Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence, Child Care, Mental Health Services
  Housing Counseling Services
  Services Offered: Homelessness Prevention, Housing Assistance, Tenant/Homebuyer/Homeowner Services
  Office of the Tenant Advocate
  Services Offered: Housing Assistance and Education Services, Legal Services
  DC Tenants' Rights Center
  Services Offered: Legal Assistance
  Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless
  Services Offered: Legal Assistance
  Pathways to Housing DC
  Services Offered: Street Outreach, Housing, Housing Assistance, Employment Services
  Downtown Dayservices Center
  Services Offered: Meals, Drop-In Center (Snacks, Water, Showers, Restrooms, Computer Access, etc.), Benefits and Records Assistance, Employment Services
  Friendship Place
  Services Offered: Housing, Job Placement, Street Outreach, Youth/Young People Services, Healthcare, Drop-In Center (Snacks, Water, Showers, Restrooms, Computer Access, etc.)
  Miriam's Kitchen
  Services Offered: Meals, Social Services (
  N Street Village
  Georgetown Ministry
  Unity Health Care
  Everyone Home DC
  So Others Might Eat
  The Father McKenna Center
  Thrive DC
  Charlie's Place
  Martha's Table
  Catholic Charities
  Christ House
  Franklin Street VA Clinic
  My Sister's Place
  Academy of Hope
  Bread for the City
  Family Matters
  Wendt Center

Outline of a map of DC filled with the design of the DC flag

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